City University, UNESCO Chair in Information and Communication Engineering, London.
Dr. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU is at present an associated Professor to Department of Control Engineering and Industrial Informatics, University "Politehnica" of Bucharest and Co-Chairholder to UNESCO Chair in Information Technologies , University of Oradea. Following the approved Joint Council of Europe/UNESCO " Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region " (Lisbon, 1997), Dr. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU has been appointed as UNESCO Chairholder , by City University London, at the beginning of the academic year 1998/1999. Dr. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU has been a Visiting Professor at:
He was a member of the Programme Committees for , ESREL' 95, '97 - '03 and '10 - '12 , held in UK, Portugal, Norway, Germany, Scotland, Italy and Holland, Czech Republic, Greece, France and Finland. Also he was a member of the Programme Committee for ISSAT RQD, 2007, 2014-2020 in Ho Chi Minth City, Vietnam, Washinton, Philadelphia , USA and Toronto, Canada, Las Vegas, Nevada,Miami,Florida USA , MA RS-2007-2012, 2014, 2019-2020 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, WMSCI 2008-2012 in Orlando, Florida, USA , IADIS 2012, in Lisbon, Portugal MCCSIS 2013, held in Prague,Czech Republic, WBC 2014-2018, held Lisbon, Portugal, MCCSIS 2015and MCCSIS 2020 in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain and and Zagreb, Croatia BDM & CC 2013 , ICCD 2014, ICCD 2020 and ICCC 2016 held in Bhubaneswar , ISDA 2018 , Vellore , eHaCON 2019 Kolkata, India, ICIEECT 2017 , Karachi, IMTIC '15 , Mehran University, Jamshoro, iCOMET 2019 , Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan, VECoS 2015 and eLSE 2012-2020, held in Bucharest, Romania, ICDSBA 2018 , in ChangSha, Hunan, ICCD 2018 in Guangzhou, China, ICIM 2019-202o , held in Cambridge and London UK, ICIC 2019-20, Mohali, Punjab,India, ICITEE 2019, Changsha, Human, China, ICIII2020, Puket, Thailand, ICICV 2020, Jaipur, India, ICIII 2020, Osaka, Japan, MMBD 2020, Beijing, China.
He has been invited in October 2014 to joint Steering Committee for Erasmus Mundus Action 2 " Leading Mobility between Europe and Asia in Developing Engineering Education and Research ( LEADERS) project as the representative of the University of Oradea, for the period 2014 - 2018.
Prof. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU has published over 100 papers in International Journals and Conference Proceedings and is author of one book and co-author of 4 books.
He has worked for many years on problems associated with software reliability and has been Co-Director of two NATO research projects involving collaboration with partner institutions throughout Europe. He is on advisory board of several international journals, Reliability: Theory & Applications , IJCS , ARIV and Microelectronics Reliability . He is reviewer for ACM Computing Reviews, Neural Computing and Applications , IJCSIS, and Associated Editor to IJICT .
Also he is a member of ENBIS, IEE, IEEE and IEEE Communications Society. Dr. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU was elected active member of The New York Academy of Science in 1996 and of the ARA in 2004. Also Dr. Florin POPENTIU has been elected Fellow of the Academy of Romanian Scientists in 2008.
He is EU Expert for the H2020 and ALL EU Programme. His Research ID is E-5787-2010. Also in 2009 he has been nominated UNESCO Expert in the field of Higher Education, Research and Knowledge.
Prof. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU is currently Visiting Professor at "ParisTech" which includes the "Grandes Ecoles", The ATHENS Programme , where he teaches courses on Software Reliability. He also lectures on Software Reliability at International Master of Science in Computer Systems Engineering - Technical University of Denmark.
Prof. Florin POPENTIU VLÃDICESCU has been Keynote Speaker to ICCRT 2017 Karachi and iCOMET 2019 , Sukkur IBA University, Pakistan , ICCD 2018 in Guangzhou, China, , WICT 2018 in Kochi , ICIC 2018 in Mohali, Punjab, India.