Mechanical Engineering Department Indian Institute of Technology Ropar Rupnagar, Punjab, India.
Ekta Singla, is serving as Associate Professor and Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at IIT Ropar. With her research interests in Modular Robotics, Service robots, Customized optimal designs, Evolutionary robotics and hybrid morphologies, she has an experience of more than fifteen years in Robotics and in applied Optimization fields. She is a recipient of Institute Gold medal during her Master's program, National doctoral fellowship during her doctoral program at IIT Kanpur, CNRS postdoctoral fellowship for UPMC Paris and a recent National award from Institute of Engineers. Her current research projects are in Maintenance and Service Robotics and in Rehabilitation Robotics, and progressing through industrial partnerships, two UK-India collaborations and active association with the University of Stony-Brook, New York – for the robotic applications is medical and defence field. To enhance the training and learning environment of Industrial Robotics field, she has got signed an MOU between IIT Ropar and TATA Automation Ltd for establishing a robotics research and training centre at IIT Ropar. Her contributions are visible through four completed projects, various journal articles, editorship in reputed journals and contributions for various societies. At IIT Ropar, she has actively taken up the administrative responsibility at various levels related to student affairs, academic affairs and chairing the event organizations. Dr Ekta founded an interdisciplinary group, PUNJRobotics , to focus on academic, professional and innovation-related activities not only at IIT Ropar but to connect many institutes in the regional area.