IIMT,Bhubaneswar [email protected]
Note : The proceedings shall be published from a reputed publisher.

Call For Papers

ESHR-2024 invite submissions of original research papers, case studies, and policy analysis on a wide range of topics that address the complex relationship between economic systems and human rights. Submissions addressing topics across the spectrum of Society, on issues of concern to scholars, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from around the world to explore the dynamic relationship between economic systems and human rights. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the program committee members based on relevance, significance, rigor, novelty, replicability, and quality.

The conference will encompass but are not limited to the following areas:

Economic Systems and Income Inequality: Analyzing the impact of different economic models (capitalism, socialism, mixed economies) on income distribution and its consequences for human rights.

Labor Rights and Employment Practices: Examining labor rights violations, labor exploitation, and workplace discrimination within various economic systems, and discussing policies and practices to protect workers' rights.

International Human Rights Law, Civil Rights and Liberties: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, International Covenant on, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Human rights treaties and conventions, Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, Right to privacy, Equal protection under the law

Access to Basic Services: Investigating the role of economic systems in ensuring universal access to education, healthcare, housing, and clean water, and assessing the impact on human rights.

Sustainable Development: Exploring the compatibility of economic growth with environmental and social sustainability and the implications for human rights, including the right to a healthy environment.

Economic Policies and Human Rights Impact: Analyzing the effects of economic policies (monetary, fiscal, trade, and social policies) on human rights, including the right to food, education, and social security.

Innovation, Technology, and Human Rights: Discussing the influence of technological advancements, digitalization, and artificial intelligence on economic systems and human rights, including issues related to privacy and data protection.

Globalization and International Trade: Investigating the impact of globalization and international trade agreements on labor rights, access to essential services, and economic inequalities on a global scale.

Public-Private Partnerships: Assessing the potential of public-private collaboration in promoting economic development while safeguarding human rights.

Regulatory Frameworks and Economic Systems: Evaluating the role of government regulations in shaping economic systems to ensure the protection of human rights.

Case Studies and Best Practices: Sharing real-world case studies and successful practices that demonstrate the coexistence of economic growth and the protection of human rights.

Important Date

Opening of Paper Submission site:

1st May, 2023

Last Date of Paper Submission:

31st July, 2023

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection:

19th August, 2024

Camera Ready Submission:

5th September, 2024

Last Date of Registration:

16th October, 2024

Date of Conference:

November 1st - 2nd, 2024