Call for papers
The International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing(I4SM-2023) covers all topics related to the Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0. The scope has been kept wide but is not limited to:
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning: practical applications
- Additive manufacturing and advanced manufacturing process
- Autonomous and self-guided production system and robotics
- Applications of industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in reshaping the automobile and aerospace industries.
- Applications of industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing in chemical, electronic, food, agriculture and sports industries
- Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, Internet of things (IOT) in Smart Manufacturing
- Artificial Intelligence-of- Things (AIOT)
- Augmented and virtual reality techniques in Smart Manufacturing
- Big data informatics in smart manufacturing
- Cyber/data security in Smart Manufacturing
- Cyber – physical system
- Cellular and flexible manufacturing
- Economics and business model
- Product and process design for Smart Manufacturing
- Hardware and software for smart manufacturing
- Issues in traditional manufacturing processes
- Internet based smart manufacturing
- Industry 4.0: theoretical and practical approaches
- Industrial Internet of things (IIOT) in Smart Manufacturing
- Industry 4.o enabling Smart Manufacturing
- Machine learning tools in Smart Manufacturing
- Predictive maintenance, safety and risk
- Monitoring and diagnostic tools in Smart Manufacturing
- Micro and Nature inspired manufacturing
- Nature and Bio- Inspired algorithms tools in Smart Manufacturing
- Optimization of process in Smart Manufacturing
- Opportunities and Challenges in Smart Manufacturing
- Quality, production control and safety tools and assurance in Smart Manufacturing
- Role of automation in Smart Manufacturing
- Smart Manufacturing: A general and State-of-art of review
- Smart and digital supply chain management system
- Smart operators, human-machine interaction
- Sustainable production system
- Virtual and cloud manufacturing
- Virtual reality and augmented reality