International Conference on
Computational Vision and Robotics (ICCVR-2024)
August 24th-25th, 2024, Qingdao China
Program Schedule ICCVR-2024Days | Hours | Minutes | Seconds |
About The Event
Being at the edge of dynamism and automation in technological advancement, time has witnessed an enormous intensified demand for artificial mechanisms and application.Computer Vision and Robotics has been adequately popular for both commercial purpose as well as research oriented applicability with foremost tools and techniques. The momentum has fastened with the advancement in integrated micro-Mechatronics and computer vision with an intensifying speed towards the applied AI rather operating with traditional Computer Vision such as image reorganisation and dictation, cognition analysis, smart interaction, better alternative solution with intelligent decision making ability. Computer Vision and Robotics is one of the most prominent disciplines of informative-rich and technology driven world. Its application ranges from Humanoid to Man-less-plant, Deep-sea-application to Space application, Agriculture to Medicine, House hold good to Industries. The appealing requisite of smart and automatic machine innovation has been fastening to empower human kind as the most influential driving force in almost every domains and services. Robotics is one such area which encompasses number of technology in it and its application is wide spread. Computational or machine vision is the most challenging tool for the robot to make it intelligent. To perceive the real world scenario which is 3D in nature from the normal camera which takes images in 2D plane is the most challenging job for the researchers who are working in this area.However many challenges and issues yet to be encountered, while complying the users and machines depending on the psychological cognition of human kind. To administrate these open issues in this phenomena has been boosting with continues improvisation and exhalation by using deep learning approaches to compliment the tasks performing ability of computer vision and robotics applications. With voluminous competition to have control over massive data and information culturing knowledge from the theoretic and methodological literature to take a step forward to further research on and exploration, the future of computer vision and robotics will see a broader range of application in a non conflictions approach.
The main objective of ICCVR 2024 pertaining to bring together researchers, academicians, students, users, developers from the diverse fields of engineering, computer science, social and bio-medical science who contributed in the context of Computer Vision and Robotics to confer the urgency in adopting the radical dynamics of automation and intelligent cognition effectively and efficiently. The researchers will get the opportunity to represent and share their work along with emphasizing various applications in key functional areas with discussion among the best of brains across the world.
Qingdao China
Confenrece Date
Chair Person
ICCVR Committee Members
Professor George A. Tsihrintzis,
Honorary Chair
Prof. Dr. Margarita N. Favorskaya,
General Chair
Prof. (Dr.) Srikanta Patnaik,
General Chair
Prof. Hakim Bendjenna,
Publication Chair
Prof. Dr. Junsheng Shi
Program Chair
Prof. Xiaonan Xiao
Finance Chair
Prof. Dhananjaya Sarangi,
Organizing Chair
Dr. Yonghang Tai
Organizing Co-Chair
Dr. Roumiana Kountcheva,
International Advisory Chair
Prof. Jacek Lukasz Wilk-Jakubowski,
Student Symposium Chair
Dr. Junlin Hu,
Student Symposium Chair
Important Date
Here is the important date of Conference
Opening of Submission Site
Full Paper Submission
Notification of Acceptance
Camera Ready Submission
Last Date of Registration
Conference Date
Conference Venue
Conference venue location info
Qingdao China
Qingdao University International Hotel
Address: No. 308 Ning xia Road Qingdao China
Customer Manager: Mrs. Pengfei Wang
Tel:(+86) 0532-8595 2463 and (+86)135 8921 1215
Submission Guidelines
The submissions may be of any form out of the following
Experimental and/or theoretical studies yielding new insight into the design and behavior of learning in intelligent systems.
Applications of existing techniques that shed light on the strengths and weaknesses of the methods.
New learning tasks (e.g., in the context of new applications) and of methods for assessing performance on those tasks.
Development of new analytical frameworks that advance theoretical studies of practical learning methods.
Computational models of data from natural learning systems at the behavioral or neural level; or extremely well-written surveys of existing work.
Contact Us
Communicate us for confenrece query
Address (India)
Ms. Soma MitraConference Secretary, ICCVR-2024
Email: [email protected]
Interscience Institute of Management and Technology, Bhubaneswar, India
Contact information for China
Mrs. Huang
Email: [email protected]
Address (China)
Contact Person:Conference Secretary in China:
Mr. Juliano Lee
Address: Qingdao China
Tel: +86-15315118254
WeChat: 15315118254